Documentation for openForum
string openForum.getVersion()
string openForum.wikiToTitleName( {string title} )

openForum.findStoreKeys( {string keyMatchRegex} )
void openForum.storeValue( {string key} , {string value} )
string openForum.retrieveValue( {string key} )
void openForum.storeObject( {string key} , {object} )
object openForum.retrieveObject( {string key} )
object openForum.removeObject( {string key} )
void openForum.refreshPage( {string pageName} )
void openForum.postMessageToQueue( {string queueName} , {string message} )
integer openForum.getTimeStamp()
boolean openForum.rebuild( {boolean forceBuildNow} )
boolean openForum.rebuild()
string openForum.getDateTimeStamp()
string openForum.getDateTimeStamp( {string pageName} )
void openForum.addJournalEntry( {string journalEntry} )
boolean openForum.pageExists( {string pageName} )
string openForum.buildPage( {string pageName} , {string pageSource} )
string openForum.buildPage( {string pageName} , {string pageSource} , {boolean isWikiData} )
string openForum.buildPage( {string pageName}, {boolean buildRefersTo} )
string openForum.buildPage( {string pageName} )
string openForum.renderWikiData( {string name} , {string data} )
JavascriptEngine openForum.getJavascriptEngine()
string openForum.titleToWikiName( {string title} )
void openForum.deletePage( {string pageName} )
void openForum.deleteAttachment( {string pageName} , {string fileName} )
void openForum.copyPage( {string pageName} , {string fileName} , {string listPageName} )
void openForum.addToListPage( {string listPageName}, {string pageName} )
Deprecated - Use JavascriptFileHelper.saveAttachment
void openForum.saveAsAttachment( {string pageName} , {string fileName} , {string data} , {string user} )
string[][] openForum.getPageAsList( {string pageName} )
void openForum.setHomePage( {string pageName} )
string openForum.generateUniqueId()
void openForum.revert( {string pageName} , {string version} )
void openForum.signOut( {transaction} )
void openForum.cleanUpQueues()
boolean openForum.signIn( {transaction} )
string openForum.validateWikiTitle( {string title} )
Map openForum.getPageAsTable( {string pageName} )

openForum.getMessagesSince( {string queueName} , {string time} )
string openForum.createQueue()
Documentation for external
Retrieves a url as a file attached to a page
void external.getURLAsFile( {string url} , {string user} , {string password} , {string pageName} , {string fileName} )
Retrieves a url as a file attached to a page using Http authentication to sign in
void external.getURLAsFile( {string url} , {string pageName} , {string fileName} )
Post data to a url using Http authentication to sign in
string external.postURLAsString( {string url} , {string user} , {string password} , {string data} )
Post data to a url
string external.postURLAsString( {string url} , {string data} )
Retrieves a url as a string using Http authentication to sign in
string external.getURLAsString( {string url} , {string user} , {string password} )
Retrieves a url as a string
string external.getURLAsString( {string url} )
Documentation for file
Delete a file attached to a page without backing it up in history
boolean file.deleteAttachmentNoBackup( {string pageName} , {string fileName} )
Append data to file
void file.appendToPageSource( {string pageName}, {string dataToAppend})
Get the time since a file's last modification
integer file.getAttachmentTimestamp( {string pageName} , {string fileName} )
string file.getAttachment( {string pageName} , {string fileName} , {boolean resolveLinks} )
string file.getAttachment( {string pageName} , {string fileName} )
boolean file.pageExists( {string pageName} )
string file.getPageInheritedFileAsString( {string pageName} , {string fileName} )
void file.appendStringToFile( {string pageName} , {string fileName} , {string dataToAppend} )
void file.copyAttachment( {string fromPageName} , {string fromFileName} , {string toPageName} , {string toFileName} )
boolean file.attachmentExists( {string pageName} , {string fileName} )
integer file.getAttachmentSize( {string pageName} , {string fileName} )
InputStream file.getAttachmentInputStream( {string pageName} , {string fileName} )
string file.getPageInheritedFilePath( {string pageName} , {string fileName} )
void file.zipPage( {string pageName} )
OutputStream file.getAttachmentOutputStream( {string pageName} , {string fileName} )
void file.saveAttachment( {string pageName} , {string fileName} , {string data} )
void file.saveAttachmentNoBackup( {string pageName} , {string fileName} , {string dataToAppend} )
void file.unZipAttachment( {string pageName} , {string fileName} )
void file.appendStringToFileNoBackup( {string pageName} , {string fileName} , {string dataToAppend} )
Map file.getAttachmentsForPage( {string pageName} )
var attachments=[];
var pageName = "/Sandbox";
var matching = ".*"; //Regex include all
var list = file.getAttachmentsForPage( pageName );
pageName = "/"+pageName;
var iterator= list.keySet().iterator();
var key = "";
var item;
if(key.charAt(0)==='+') { // ignore sub pages
} else if(matching!==null && ""+matching )==-1 ) {
} else {
item = key;
attachments.push( {pageName: pageName, fileName: item} );
Documentation for js
void js.refreshJarManager()
object js.loadObject( {string pageName} , {string fileName} )
StringBuffer js.getStringBuffer()
fileName is used as a reference in error messages
void js.startJavascript( {string fileName} , {string script} )
object js.getApi( {string pageName} )
string js.generateMD5( {string data} )
object js.getObject( {string pageName} , {string fileName} )
void js.sleep( {integer millisecondsToSleep} )